
You'll see on my blog that I have categories. This is my way of organizing my posts, so you don't have to too much searching around. You can search by all means, but if you click a category, you will get the best of all the posts. Here is an explanation of the categories:

The Alley Way - Family crap, photos and random thoughts from a girl with the married last name that represents a roadway between two buildings.

Powder Room - Beauty, makeup, my hair rants, health and fitness (I wish I burned calories typing on this blog).

I'm Not Famous...Yet - I started this blog as an outlet because I love to write. I am a funny person by nature. You can't fake this, my honey's. I like to find things that are odd and write about them, with my own personal thoughts of course. I secretly hope to be published one day.

Tater Queens Fashion Inspiration - All things fashion, Pinterest, personal outfit posts and photos. Why Tater Queen? It's an ode to my inner southern princess of the days of beauty pageant's and fake push up boobs.

Take That Martha Stew - If Martha Stewart can do it, so can I. This is my category for do it yourself projects and yummy recipes (if you screw it up, throw up or have irritable bowl: a disclaimer applies).

Two Cents Thursdays - My day to say whatever is on my mind. You know, Girl Talk.

Hot Tamale - You know cause someone likes me and I like them and I am almost famous, duh!

On a Whimsy - Home stuffs ..enough said.