Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I don't like change. Do you like change? I mean in life it is sometimes inevitable. I have been contemplating so many things lately. For instance.. I have thought about changing my hair color. Going back to my roots. My hair is pretty dark naturally. But I know that when I change it I will freak out and spend more money to lighten it up because I know it will send me over the edge into tears. But I also know that it will be less maintenance. 

I want to change my kitchen. I want to paint the walls, cabinets and my island. I want to make my island a different color than the walls just to add character. But I am afraid it will not be how I want it and then I have spent the money and then I have to spend more money to redo it. I know it will be fine, its just the initial change of it. And this coming from someone who went to Interior Design school. You would think I would be changing my whole house every five minutes.

I want to change my blog name? Have any of you ever thought of doing this? I feel like I am at a place that I want to be more identifiable. Or taken more serious or something that is simpler. I have been giving this great thought, but then I think about all the changes I have to make. Buttons, business cards, social media sites, etc. And then I worry more about will people like it, will the follow me with the change? I am so indecisive about it. I really want my blog to grow. I really want it to be something everyone talks about. 

There are other things I am all up a rut with. My body, life, attitude.. just the normal life things that make me indecisive which is hard for me because I am not usually a back and forth type girl. I either like it or I don't. I either jump in feet first or I say you go first you twit. I don't know if its the blues or its just I need to just take a few leaps and become brave. 

Have you ever been like this? Just needing change so bad but afraid to do it? Would you follow me if I had a blog name change or should I keep it? It's just hair right? Ugh, see....

Thoughts welcome,


  1. I always think i need to change. I did change my blog name, it was a while ago but I am glad I did it. it's all up to you, which is annoying but true.

  2. I am always gonna follow you little lady! You give me my daily dose of laughter and I can't get enough! Change is rough to deal with but once you do it things could be great! Just rip off that bandaid!

  3. I think I need a change in scenery! I've had the moving bug lately!

  4. I changed my blog name once. Buttttt...I really like your blog name. Honestly, it is one of the reasons I started following your blog because I thought it was really fun! But, even if you changed it...I'd still follow you...because I love you!

  5. Ah, hair color! I love to change mine! It takes some getting used to when you go to another color but it's fun. My husband says it's like he gets a new wife. Haha.

    And I would totally still follow you if you changed your name. What's in a name? After all, would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? By God me thinks so, William. :)

  6. I don't like change...I mean, of course I will if I have to, but I'll bitch about it for a bit. LOL On the other hand, I do understand the need to change certain things in your life - that sort of change is okay because sometimes it's necessary. Some things don't need to change though...like your blog name - I LOVE your blog name. It's catchy and cool and different. I somehow stumbled upon your blog just because of your blog name and wanted to know what kind of blog this was and I've stayed ever since. If you do decide to change it, I'll still follow...I think you're a great ole gal!

  7. Oh you sweet beautiful silly girl!! Your blog is you and if you change it - it will still be YOU! Your followers are here for you and not the name. I will follow you no matter what ,even if you named it something really stinky like "Hairy Buttholes that Love Pink". I changed my layout last week on my blog and not one single person has even mentioned it. So what the being said, dont lose too much sleep over change. And oh one more thing, you would look FAB as a brunette. I'm thinking of going Maroon or something deep red but i'm afraid to do before the wedding.

  8. First of all, I'd follow you through hell and back. With or without a new blog name. :) I changed mine awhile back. Granted, the URL stayed the same and I didn't have nearly as many followers as you. :)

    and I'm on the VERGE of going blonde. But I know that I will have to keep going back and going back and that's what is hindering me right now.

  9. I will follow you wherever you go, just like that Barenaked Ladies song says.

    If you feel like it's time for some change, do it girl! You are in a different phase of life than you were when you started your blog, so it's only normal that you would want to change up a thing or two.

    I miss having enough hair to change the color. With it being so short, I would have to dye it every other week so it didn't look funny. I think I'm going to grow it out after the wedding and go blonde again.

  10. Oh only everyday. I envy the people who went away to school, or got a job out of state. Since I've lived in Omaha my entire life I always wonder what it would be like to move and start over.

  11. I would follow you via a blog name change. There is actually another blog I follow that has has fried pickles in the title and I am forever confusing you two! All in all, most change scares people. I actually have only been brave enough to color my hair for about a one year period where I worked in my cousin's salon. I went darker and loved it, but my hair is naturally a mid brown with blonde highlights, so it was work to keep it up. Good luck with your decisions!

  12. change is intriguing, i think. but i think it's necessary sometimes. embarace it?
    i think everyone change their blog name at least once. i did that.

  13. I am personally not that good with change when it comes to my own life. It really throws me off track and I get flustered and confused, haha. But it's good to have change once in awhile... a fresh start, new beginning. So go for it! I really like your blog name, I think it's fun and different. But of course I'd follow you if you changed it, duh! Side note, you have business cards for your blog?! Do I need business cards for mine??

    xo, Yi-chia

    1. I didnt have business cards until i went to a meetup for Dallas bloggers. They all exchanged cards and i felt left out. Its nice to go home with cards and make a note on back of who you met. I got mine from Vista print and when i do blog swaps, etc i include my card now in the package. It's not a MUST have but nice to have.

  14. The hair change, it doesn't seem like it would be a big deal but it is! I get where you're coming from with that - I've had my hair ruined a couple times in the past where I ended up having to cut it ALL off (going from butt length hair to chin length when you didn't want too is horrible) soo0000 yeah think long and hard about that!

    on a more serious note change can be scary but sometimes in order to grow you just need to jump. So i say pick a couple of things and just jump, you will survive, i promise :)

  15. I think there is always a time when change is necessary...change is scary but also very exciting at the same time. :)

  16. Change can be a good thing too ya know! It might be just the remedy you need! Change the hair and if you don't like it, I'll come fix it for free! :) Paint the kitchen, you'll like it! Blog name change, go for it, I'll follow you and so will the rest of your true readers!

  17. I will follow you whatever your blog name is. I understand being stuck in a rut, i've been feeling as though I need to change something, I'm just not sf iture what.
    I say go for it, change it all...the hair, the kitchen, the blog name, if you don't you'll be wondering "what if."

  18. We've all been here sissy and I support all of your life decision, you could paint your dog purple and I would still think you're amazing.

  19. One time I had a fortune cookie that said: "The only constant in life is change," and I always try and remind myself of it because change always scares the crap out of me but once I do it, I never regret whatever I was agonizing over. On the other hand, you do have almost too good of a blog name to change it ;) xx

  20. First of all....DO NOT change your hair color...I love the light! And I love your blog name, but know what you mean. I have battled the same thing! Not just with a blog name, but with choices in general. Go with your gut and your heart...about it all. We all grow through these phases and they SUCK!!! But know I LOVE you regardless!!!

  21. Yes, yes, and yes. Except the hair color because it is too hard and damaging and expensive to go back to light! I recently tried...boo.

    I will follow you whatever your blog name be. Unless you start charging me for shit then I will fight you.

    Change what you need to get the ants out of your pants!

  22. While change might be the only constant in life, sometimes it does suck.

  23. i`ve changed my blog name.. it feels great! it makes you want to blog more. (:

    i`m in a personal rut myself. just keep swimming!

  24. I say go with it, but only in small steps! Change is tough when it's unexpected and out of your control- but good for you for embracing wanting some change! Over the past year, I think that's what keeeps life interesting and keeps us moving forward in our lives- learning as much as possible along the way! I'll come to your blog no matter what the name of it is! Lovin' ya LOTS! XO!

  25. For most of my life I've craved change. As I've gotten older, I find more comfort in routines...that probably has something to do with the fact that I've spent the last 10 years moving too many times.

  26. I'm in the same boat...as I want to start my photography business and start doing more green/sustainable projects/posts I don't know if my name is quite fitting anymore but geez it took me months to think of a name. It will probably take me months to think of a new one...so I feel ya!

  27. I think change is in the air... I want to change my blog name... change some of my habits. Don't worry it's not crack. I'm more of a hugs not drugs kind of gal. I don't care what you call your blog... you're my girl and I'd follow you no matter what.

  28. I've made a few changes to my blog's appearance, mostly because I'm bored. Maybe the current name signifies the past, a place where we were when we started all of this writing stuff? Maybe changing the name will allow us to move to a different space in time, figuratively, of course. Not sure why I'm being all philosophical over here...I should be writing this shyte for my post, damn it!

  29. mmmmm... change. Sometimes, it's just called for. :)
